About the festival

Guitar festival of J. K. Mertz is taking place in Bratislava from year 1976. Its founder and director for many years is prof. Jozef Zsapka and it hosted dozens guitarists and other musicians and chamber emsembles from all around the world. It was known first as "Days of Guitar Music", later "International Guitar Festival of Johann Kaspar Mertz" or "International Guitar Festival of J. K. Mertz" and always as a part Kultur summer in Bratislava.


Something from the recent history of our festival:

   44. Gitarový festival J. K. Mertza 43. Gitarový festival J. K. Mertza 42. Gitarový festival J. K. Mertza 41th Guitar Festival of J. K. Mertz 


The first 40 years of our festival in pictures:


40 rokov festivalu J. K. MertzaDni Gitarovej hudby 1976 - 1983Dni gitarovej hudby 1984 - 1992Mdzinárodný gitarový festival J. K. Mertza 1993 - 2000Medzinárodný gitarový festival J. K. Mertza 2001 - 2008Medzinárodný gitarový festival J. K. Mertza 2009 - 2015